Natural Health Products NZ Industry Awards 2023

Natural Health Products Industry 2023 Award Winners Announced


Natural Health Products NZ has announced the winners of its annual industry awards, including the Supreme Award for the best overall entry: 

Supreme Award

Winner: Absolute Essential

Marketing Award
$2 Million and Over in Sales

Winner: Anagenix
Highly Commended: Vitaco Health (NZ) Ltd

Cawthron Institute Innovation Award

Winner: Quantec
Highly Commended: MitoQ

The New Zealand FernMark Licence Programme Growth Award

Winner (Large Category): Alaron Products NZ
Winner (Medium Category): Anagenix

Corporate Social Responsibility

Winner: Absolute Essential
Highly Commended: HealthPost

Natural Health Products New Zealand is the industry body for Aotearoa New Zealand’s natural health and complementary products sector, representing the industry’s interests locally and abroad.  

Awards Head Judge Peter Lehrke, Natural Health Products NZ Director, says the high standard of entries resulted in some very tight battles for winners: “It was a great ‘problem’ to have and indicates the world class achievements across the industry and the skill levels and drive for excellence in the natural health products sector.”

Read full release: Natural Health Products NZ 2023 Award Winners Announced

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